My Crazy Life — Note to self

Shelby Wilson
2 min readJul 13, 2021

It’s been a little while again for this blog, life seems to through curve balls all the time recently and so my blog takes a real hit.

One thing I know for certain is that in all the blogs I have ever written I have tried to stay true to myself and pretty much written uncensored, so in this blog series, I dont want that to change. So here goes:

Its been a crazy life recently, lost 3 family members, my brother in law about 7 weeks ago and more recently in the last 2 weeks, 2 uncles within 5 days of each other. Then the house got broken into, brand new Mac book screen smashed and the final straw was yesterday when my dress split as I caught it in a door!! Honestly I feel you couldn't t write my life and to be honest yesterday was the final straw for my brain.

So I went to bed slept for what seemed like a life time and hoped it would clear the fog that is looming around me. It helped a little but the cloud is still looming but I am sure it will in time it will pass and full Shelby service will resume (god help you, LOL)

Anyway I sure the reason I am writing all of this is 2 things really, 1 its an outlet on my brain and 2 in hope that I can remind my self this does not define me, this is only a moment and while this seems all crazy, its will quickly give me lessons to carry forward and share with others in hope they dont suffer some of the pain I am at present.

That and also a reminder that while I am totally impatient at the moment, that is all it is just a moment and it will pass.

Here’s to full Shelby service resuming shortly. Take care all x

Always, Shelby x



Shelby Wilson

I am a Agile Coach, facilitator, teacher and inspirer. I love when people break out into song!! Current focus is improving leadership teams